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Everything you need to know about the 61st Annual Buddy Fund Golf Classic & Auction

“We do something like 75% of the Buddy Fund’s fundraising activity through this single event. By extension, we can serve our 150+ recipient organizations and many thousands of kids annually are positively impacted by Buddy Fund support. For all the pride our city has in its homegrown athletes, those athletic careers start at the most basic youth levels. Giving those athletes an equal opportunity to compete can help make those dreams a reality,” George Kriegshauser, Co-Chair for the 61st Annual Golf Classic and Auction, said.

On September 15, 2023, the Buddy Fund will host the 61st Annual Golf Classic and Auction at the Forest Park Norman K. Probstein Golf Course.

The event is set to follow a Four-Person Scramble Format with an 8:30 am Player Check-In and Breakfast Buffet followed by a 10 am Shotgun Start and a box lunch on the course. At 3 pm cocktails and refreshments will be available along with a short program where we will award the prizes.

The online Auction is set to open 1 week before the Golf Classic on September 8th at 7 am and close on September 15th at 9 pm. Our auction co-chairs, Joan Rejda-Heath and Amy Tipton, are asking for in-kind donations for the auction. Contact them today if you can donate:

There is no shortage of ways sponsors can contribute to making this event happen. Sponsors are recognized with signage on the course in front of 216 Golfers and over 35 volunteers from local and national companies as well as in our printed program book and on our website. Show the St. Louis Community that you or your business gives back by sponsoring the Golf Classic today!

The unlimited Sponsorship Levels are as follows:

● Hole Sponsor – $250

● Long Drive Sponsor – $500

● On-Course Beverage Sponsor – $1,000

● Open Bar Sponsor – $1,500

● Breakfast/Lunch Sponsor – $2,000

● Cocktail Reception Sponsor – $2,500

● Gold Sponsors – $5,000

● Player Gift Sponsor – $7,500

● Presenting Sponsors – $25,000

Additionally, sponsors can also donate items to the auction and Golfer Gift Bags.

“A potential sponsor should be proud to know that the impact of their donation can be multiplied through the Buddy Fund’s purchasing agreements with key equipment suppliers. This allows the Buddy Fund to almost double the impact of each donation by turning a $1 donation into $2 of equipment for our recipient organizations. That’s a great return on the value of a donation and something we are proud to deliver to the community,” Kriegshauser said. “Each year we receive heartfelt appreciation from our recipient organizations for the Buddy Fund’s impact. Many times those organizations have no budget at all for equipment and may not exist without the Buddy Fund. It’s our Board’s purpose to continue to support those servant leaders who want to make an impact in their communities. I promise anyone on hand will be able to understand the impact and the value of their support.”

Click here to see last years sponsors, donors and Buddy Fund Friends.

The cost is $200 per golfer and includes access to the breakfast buffet, 18 holes and cart, practice facilities, beverages, prizes, box lunch, cocktail reception, and online auction. Additionally, Speed Passes are available for $25 a person ($100 per team) and include skins, mulligans, and on-course games and prizes.

The contests will include Closest to the Pin, Long Drive, Hole-In-One Contests, Skins Game, and prizes for three Flights (1st and 2nd place).

Ellie Mills has golfed at the tournament for many years after hearing about it from Young Leaders Chairman of the Buddy Fund, Tom Wesolowski, who worked with her.

“It’s always been such a great experience. The tournaments run really well, there’s never too much of a delay, the auction items are always top-notch. They do a really good job of bringing some really special pieces to the tournament. They seem to have an elevated level of service that really makes the tournament spectacular,” Mills said. “It’s not just a golf tournament, the mission is important and this is a day of fun but it’s also really impactful. I’ve always enjoyed getting to hear the stories of why helping our underprivileged youth is so important. It’s nice seeing those prominent figures speaking on how important it is to support The Buddy Fund.”

Don’t Golf? Come as a guest to our post event starting at 3pm! Guest tickets to the event, which include door prizes, the raffle, online auction, cocktails, and refreshments are also availible for $50 per guest.

Additionally, volunteers at the event are eligible to receive door prizes, the raffle, the online auction, and all the food and beverages/cocktails for the day.

George Kriegshauser and Cale Prokopf are Co-Chairs for the event and are looking forward to this year’s turnout, along with the rest of the Buddy Fund team.

“It’s our aim to be continuously improving the event each year. The growth we’ve achieved over the past decade of my involvement is both inspiring and humbling at the same time. However, the support of so many allows us to continually raise the bar and make an even greater impact within our region. The sense of shared accomplishment is what teamwork, sports, and giving is all about,” Kriegshauser said.

Click here to get involved with the 61st Annual Buddy Fund Golf Classic & Auction.

Click here to make your donation today!

Written by The Buddy Fund Intern: Makayla Archambeault Lafayette High School Class of 2022 University of Central Florida Class of 2026
